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Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine wires (needles) into specific spots to stimulate the body to heal itself. Traditional explanations of acupuncture involve its effect on improving the flow of qi (‘vital air/energy’ and referred to as ki by the Japanese) and on balancing Yin and Yang, a paradigm of health and disease that maps very closely to the Western concept of homeostasis. By stimulating specific points on the body with heat, pressure, or very fine needles, acupuncture practitioners are able to restore healthy function, thus resolving symptoms and reversing disease.

In terms of physiology and biochemistry, acupuncture has been shown to stimulate nerves and connective tissue resulting in profound effects on the nervous system including regulation of key areas of the brain. This improved function results in the body producing its own natural chemicals involved in pain relief and the reduction of inflammation as well as releasing neurotransmitters that create a feeling of relaxation and well-being. Advanced techniques such as fMRI brain imaging and proteomics are continuing to add to a deeper understanding of how acupuncture helps the body to heal itself.

TCM-Traditional Chinese Medicine: (consists of several modalities such as: Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Formulas, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Cupping, Gua Sha, Moxibustion(mugwort) Therapy, Herbal Linaments/Ointments and Salves, Meditation)

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is one of the oldest systems of medicine. It is more than 3,500 years older than traditional Western medicine, which came to exist much more recently, for example with the formation of the American Medical Association in 1847. TCM should not be confused with “Oriental medicine,” a catch-all phrase used to describe a set of practices developed not only in Asia but worldwide.

TCM is a standardized version of the type of Chinese medicine that was practiced before the Chinese Revolution that is based on several ancient beliefs. An important one is the Daoist belief that the human body is a miniature version of the universe. Another belief is that a life force- vital energy, “Qi,” flows through the body and performs multiple functions to maintain health and wellness. TCM practitioners or Acupuncturists/Chinese Medicine Herbalists believe that chronic pain results from blockage or imbalance of Qi/energy in the body, and that their role is to correct or balance its flow of this energy/life force and create an environment where one can obtain optimal health and healing.


Esoteric/Shen Acupuncture

Esoteric Acupuncture and Shen Acupuncture is a form of spiritual healing and development that is based on traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture points, sacred geometry, yoga and chakra theory, Qabbala, and esoteric spirituality. At its’ core, Esoteric Acupuncture is a way to awaken and expand your spiritual life.

What can Esoteric acupuncture do for you?

Esoteric and Shen acupuncture patterns are very specific sequences of acupuncture points which can be done with or without needles. These patterns affect your energetic bodies, helping you to unlock and release the stuff that gets “stuck” in your energetic bodies, psyche, and spirit, helping you to change that core programming that is affecting your life and your body.
While getting an esoteric acupuncture treatment won’t do the work for you, it can help YOU open doors that previously seemed closed. It can help you shift your perspective and get clarity on situations that seemed impossible previously. And while this form of acupuncture is not about specifically balancing physical health, the spirit, mind, and body are all interconnected and healing in one area definitely affects the others!

What is an Esoteric/Shen Acupuncture treatment like?

  • Gives assistance, progress, and balance in spiritual practices and spiritual development, regardless of religious beliefs or practices
  • Balances, clears, and strengthens the chakras (energy centers)
  • Strengthens the central energy channel in the body
  • Brings clarity of purpose and new understanding about life paths
  • Opens creative insights about how to move past a stuck point in life
  • Creates space for spiritual visions and communications
  • Makes a place where you can more easily interact with your spiritual guides or angels

Experience after the session

  • Resolution or reduction of issues or blocks to your spiritual and emotional progress
  • Deepening of meditation practices
  • Enhanced levels of personal development
  • Profound levels of insight
  • Awakening of psychic powers
  • Increase in the ability to channel healing energy
  • Increased an ability to live ‘in the moment’ during stressful or crisis moments